Frequently Asked Questions

Is The Pasta House a local business?

Yes!  Founded in Windsor, Ontario in 1988, The Pasta House is and has always been a local business. We take great pride in making pasta the traditional way and providing a high-quality product to the community we love.

How long does your pasta keep?

Our product does not keep for a long time, but it’s a good thing - we swear. Our product is made fresh, in-house every day. We are committed to keeping our pasta free of artificial ingredients, colorants, and preservatives which is why it doesn’t last as long as other products.

Okay, I’m sold. How can I place an order at The Pasta House?

To place an order with us, you can give us a call at 519 971 9910, or send us an email at We’re excited to welcome our customers back to our new retail location at 465 Erie St. E when it’s safe to do so!

How long do I have to cook The Pasta House pasta for al-dente consistency?

Each type of pasta cooks a little bit differently, so please be sure to follow the instructions on the package.  Here are some tried and true Italian techniques to ensure your pasta is perfetta every time:

  • Fill your pot about three-quarters full with water.

  • Adding salt to the water is an important step, and as a general rule, it should be as salty as the ocean.

  • Fresh pasta cooks faster than dry pasta; you only need to let it cook for 4 minutes, or until desired tenderness.

  • When your pasta is ready, drain the water and add your favourite sauce.

TPH Tip Save about 250mL (1 cup) of the pasta water before you drain it.  Use this when you add your sauce to the pasta; the extra starch in the pasta water helps to create a silkier sauce.

Buon appetito!

Where can I keep up with the latest news from The Pasta House?

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to see what’s happening in our kitchen!

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